Public Installations, New York, NY
Produced By Bravin Lee Programs
BravinLee programs is pleased to present Richard Pasquarelli’s project Hours Of The Day at the W Hotel on 123 Greenwich Street. This is Richard’s third outdoor project for the Downtown Alliance’s Re: Construction program. All three are currently on view. Re:Construction is a public art program produced by the Downtown Alliance and funded by a $1.5 million grant from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation. The temporary artworks help mitigate the impact of Downtown’s numerous building projects.
Restore The View, Barclay St, NYC, digitally mural on vinyl, 4' x 75'
(detail), Barclay St. NYC, digital mural on vinyl, 4' x 188'
Restore The View, Greewich St, NYC, digital mural on vinyl, 4' x 175'
In August, Pasquarelli’s “Restore the View” was installed. This 4’ x 363’ work is situated on scaffolding at the site of CUNY’s Fiterman Hall project at Barclay Street, between West Broadway and Greenwich Street and between Barclay Street and Park Place. Using expansive images of the northern and eastern skies, these digital murals aim to “restore the view” obscured by scaffolding and construction, opening up the space visually and psychologically.
Hours Of The Day (detail), Albany St. NYC, digital mural on vinyl, 4' x 6'
Hours Of The Day (detail), Albany St. NYC, digital mural on vinyl, 4' x 72'
“Hours of the Day,” was installed this week on plywood barricades in front of the W Hotel on 123 Washington Street at the corner of Carlisle. This work explores the architecture of the building itself at multiple times of day and is inspired by Monet’s Rouen cathedral paintings and the repetitive pop style of Any Warhol. The Gwathmey Siegel designed W has a glass exterior that has a subtle grid pattern of white, grey and clear glass. Pasquarelli's work captures the subtlety in it, as he renders the corner of the facade and captures the light at morning, midday, dusk and night.
Secret Gardens (detail), Chambers St. NYC, digital print on mesh
Secret Gardens, Chambers St. NYC, digital print on mesh, 5' x 1000'
Secret Gardens, Chambers St. NYC, digital print on mesh, 5' x 1000'
“Secret Gardens” was installed earlier this month on a 500 foot chain link fence on Chambers Street between Greenwich Street and West Street with another 500 feet to be installed next week between Greenwich and West Broadway. As a jogger, Pasquarelli often caught glimpses of small private gardens hidden behind fences and hedges and ivy covered walls. By introducing these private green spaces into an urban public environment, Pasquarelli hopes to transport passersby to a more serene world. Secret Gardens was produced in collaboration with the New York City Department of Transportation’s Urban Art Program.
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