In Dune, an ambiguous partial torso and hand come toward the viewer, hovering over us with only a spare winter sky enveloping our view. We are placed in a subjugated position, as if we are doomed victims or on the verge of retaliation. Jersey Yards, again presents a suspenseful scene with an indeterminate narrative. The viewer has a bird’s eye view of a somber collection of dark suburban dwellings, largely rendered in deep blues but with some brightly lit windows in which we are free to peek. However, upon closer inspection a clandestine figure materializes lurking beside one of these houses. We are at once predatory and preyed upon.

Pasquarelli’s sleek and savory images beautify our dubious neuroses yet do not render them benign. Fear is apotheosized and tamed in this work, becoming almost redemptive. Pasquarelli takes ownership of his shadows while giving his audience a muffled, slow moving jolt.    — Heather Bennett, Artist

   Jersey Yards, 33 x 73, Oil enamel on canvas

   Jersey Yards, 33 x 73, Oil enamel on canvas

  Shoot I, 44 x 59, Oil enamel on canvas

   Underwater, 44 x 77, Oil enamel on canvas

   Underwater, 44 x 77, Oil enamel on canvas


  Angel, 32 x 43, Oil enamel on canvas


    Dune, 32 x 43, Oil enamel on canvas


    Sleeping Wife, 24 x 30, Oil enamel on canvas


   Matthew, 30 x 24, Oil enamel on canvas


 Notre Dame, 29.75  x 22.5 Oil enamel on paper